just a smidgen

Honey B’s, Bees and Honey on Lemon Tarragon Scones


June 2011

June 2011

Honey is known to have wonderful health benefits, and it’s yummy when a large dollop is plopped into a steaming cup of Harrod’s English Breakfast tea (I just discovered that particular treat at Cello Lesson last Wednesday).  And “Honey” was about to surprise and delight me again this week.

A good friend, Jane, laughed a few days ago and said that I had combined my two passions… food and photography.  Well, I decided that this could become an even more blissful experience if I could bring together everything I love to do… So I decided that it would be ideal to have a writing table… in my garden♥

So, after searching on the computer to find her…off I went to visit Barb Brown of  Honey B’s Vintage Home Décor.  Barb used to have a retail outlet in Kensington, but after making an appointment and visiting her in her new studio (in her garage/loft) in Parkdale, I’ve decided that here was a woman who got it.  She has a beautifully designed personal garage space and she works on her creative projects there, with the doors flung wide open while a beautiful spring breeze flows through and sunlight abounds.

Up a few industrial stairs and above the garage I found her beloved treasure trove of completed work:  “Exquisite, beautiful furnishings, antiques, shabby chic, sparkling chandeliers and vintage accessories beautify your life and home…creating quiet, romantic elegance from an era gone by…”  So, this was where Barb had secreted her stash from the store.  She had moved there to give herself more flexilibility and freedom while she continues to do what she loves.

I had hoped to find a simple table and chair…nothing to big, too small, too ornate or delicate, and sturdy enough to stay out on my covered porch… and it had to be rustic looking… and vintage white/gray… and… of course Barb had the perfect match.


So now I am set up next to my flowers, with my computer playing Bach, writing on my blog, sampling my latest scone recipe (+honey), sipping tea (+honey), with my dog lapping up his tea, watching the bees buzz around in my potted flowers, and thinking that maybe I could bring my easel out here and find the time to paint again…in fact, I think that I should practice cello out here.  It’s a very inspiring place to be.

Barb Brown gets it and now I get it too!

So then, before I run out to get on with my day, here is my recipe for

Lemon Tarragon Scones
(thanks Judy)
with some modifications, of course, or why else would I bake them?  Enjoy!

Lemon Tarragon Scones
Cook time
Total time
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 8 tbsp (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 1/3 cup craisins
  • 1 sprig fresh tarragon, leaves removed and minced
  • 1 tbsp grated lemon zest (I used 1 lemon)
  • 1/2 cup plain yogourt (0% fat Liberte Greek Yogourt)
  • 1 large egg
  1. Preheat oven to 400° F. In a medium bowl mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  2. Grate butter (large side of grater) or cut butter in with a pastry cutter, until it becomes lumps smaller than peas.
  3. In another bowl, whisk egg and yogurt together to blend.
  4. Using a fork, lightly whisk the yogurt mixture into the flour mixture, being careful not to over mix. At this point, I take both hands and lifted everything out together on a lightly dusted counter top until I had a pile of dough. Then using a gentle touch, patted down and shaped the dough into a 7-8 inch diameter disk.
  5. Using a sharp knife or pizza wheel, cut in half, then quarters, then again so you have 8 pieces. Using the sharp side of the knife, slide each scone and place on a prepared cookie sheet (covered with silpat or parchment paper).
  6. Bake for about 15 minutes or less, depending on your oven. Keep an eye on them, don’t let them get too browned on top.
  7. Cool and glaze if you wish (Orange juice or lemon juice mixed with icing sugar drizzled over top).
  8. Make a cup of tea and honey, find a quiet corner and enjoy…

 Make a cup of tea and honey, find a quiet corner and enjoy…

img_4035aLove, Smidge



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