just a smidgen

Recovering a Footstool and Balance



v. re·cov·ered, re·cov·er·ing, re·cov·ers
1. To get back; regain.
2. To restore (oneself) to a normal state
3. To compensate for
4. To procure
5. To bring under observation again
is something I strive for..
the reassuring calm of the ordinary, every day
day to day
sort of day.
some crave the extra-ordinary
they shoot for the stars
on occasion there are
falling stars.. such fleeting brilliance
To restore
my sanity and inner peace
I head to my little studio and play beautiful music
The last time you were here, this little corner was filled with wildly bright flowers,
I thought it was time for something a bit easier on the eye..
One of our dinners in Sorrento was at the prettiest restaurant called Don Alfonso.
It had recently been redone in pinks and flowers so of course I went crazy..
taking iPhotos when the waiter wasn’t looking. They have a cooking school as well!
There were tiny footstools which I assumed were for wee little legs like mine, lol,
but they were a posh little seat for purses!
I vowed to have one of these at home where our winters are so muddy and wet.
This is a “No Sew” project, the materials you require are:
one flea-market footstool
fabric square that extends beyond the top and sides of the footstool
trim that will wrap around the sides of the footstool
staple gun
glue gun
I found this little footstool at Home Sense, while I do love “Boho”, the pattern on this one was too faded and worn.
I was going to make a footstool from scratch.. but this seemed so much easier and the cost would likely have been the same.
I bought this rich raspberry colored fabric and trim from
Recovering a Footstool
1. Cut a fabric square, just beyond the edges, leaving enough to fold under before stapling.
2. Fold each side and staple once in the centers, pulling fabric taut.
3. Then gradually pull snug and staple all around, leaving corners free.
4. Then tuck as if you were wrapping a gift, cutting excess fabric from underneath to reduce bulk.
You can use a flat screwdriver or one side of some sturdy scissors to pull out and change staple placement at any time.
5. Then glue gun your trim in place, overlapping the ends.
This would have been so much easier if I could unscrew the legs and pull the fabric right down onto the bottom, but these ones were firmly glued in place.
6. Turn upright and il gioco è fatto!
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