just a smidgen

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower


Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop

bridal shower..

almost always means white linen..

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 20

and pink flowers, of course.

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 4

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 15Where there are flowers, there must be rose petals..

tossed under a ballet pink gauzy tulle,

to look like a Flower Girl’s dress.

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 2

X’s and O’s filled with sweetheart conversation hearts saying,

“Tweet Me”..

and ripe strawberries in heart shaped bowls.

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 12These borrowed dishes from my sweet sister-friend were so lovely.. they didn’t require a placemat.

And silverware were crossed like cupids arrows placed next to stitched felted hearts.

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 8

Everything was so formal and, well, demure..

and then these happened..

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 9Everything got a wee bit busy.. so a few bouquets had to leave the table..

and ended up on the island..

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 19Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 17

I think it looks like a celebration now!

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 3This meant no candles of course..

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 1But I fell in love with them.. they were so easy to make, just like fluffing up our pom-poms back in my High School cheerleading days!

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 5

Champagne flutes and a cake stand for the cake are a must..

Pretty in Pink Bridal Shower Tabletop 11Which we didn’t need because then this happened..

Bridal Birthday CakeA beautiful Vanilla Rose Cupcake Wedding Dress Cake made by Danelle, complete with broach and pearls!!

To top it all.. beautiful friends

and one very, very special Bride-to-Be who is loved to the moon and back!!

Forum 3 xx

Love, Smidge Bluebird tiny

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