just a smidgen

Nate’s Perfect Pantry Procrastination

“You should see Nate’s pantry,” I said over coffee and cereal one morning.

“Who’s Nate?” my daughter asked.

“Oh, Nate Berkus… you know, on the television show,” I replied.

“Hahaha, oh, mom, you sound like he’s one of your best friends!”

It was clearly time to turn off the television…but just thinking about two months worth of clutter and neglected chores in our home made me exhausted. Secretly I wondered if I’m one of those “hoarders”… or just a retired kindergarten teacher with an addiction to stationery supplies.

Crayola Rainbow

So, out went the stacks of paper, pens, glue, scissors, brushes, tempera paint, my beloved 64 crayola crayon pack and my collection of arts and crafts books to a friend with much younger children than mine.  Basement Storage Room – check.

And then… I eyed The Pantry, where boxes and packages overflowed, spare containers teetered on top shelves, and mystery stale food lurked in dark corners.  I thought about Nate’s show and the “Pantry Proud” woman he interviewed… and Nate’s Perfect Pantry..

Separate and Sort into Assorted Containers (Winners, Wal-Mart and Crate and Barrel)

Separate and Sort into Assorted Containers (Winners, Wal-Mart and Crate and Barrel)

Now, I’m not even remotely the competitive type, but this crazy little voice in my head wanted to say, “Ha! Anybody can do that, I bet I can make my pantry look even prettier than hers.” But what I really thought was “Wow, that’s impressive.” and I was inspired to try it myself.

Label and Add Directions (Expo BrightSticks Fluorescent Wet Erase Markers)

Label and Add Directions (Expo BrightSticks Fluorescent Wet Erase Markers)

And… when I get an idea in my head, the creativity starts flowing and a “simple” decluttering project can quickly go over the top.  “Yes, “ I thought, “I, too, could be Pantry Proud!” Enter my school teacher organizational and labeling skill set.

Pantry 3

Reuse jars and tins. Baking pans or placemats can protect the shelf surface.

Who am I kidding here? I am really just incredibly expert at self-deception. My true expertise lies in the ability to procrastinate and reason with myself while amplifying the importance of the new task at hand.  In fact, the degree to which I am avoiding something is almost always evidenced by the “overkill” of the new project… like The Pantry Project.

Pantry 4

Serveware can be stored on higher shelves and used to decorate

If I were to be downright honest with myself, I’d have written this: “I would have done anything…anything at all…  just to avoid sitting down and practicing the new Resphigi orchestra pieces that utterly terrify me.”

Pantry 5

So now my pantry is almost way too perfectly organized, my blog is done and I have run out of excuses… so off to tune my cello I go.

Pantry 6But I think the garden looks like it might need watering and weeding…

(My daughter pointed out that I forgot to photograph the “before” pictures, so you’ll have to use your imagination.)

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