just a smidgen

Bouquet of Spring Salad

Spring 8

This will be the last snow photo from me for a while.. “Aaargh not another Bloody Bleak snow picture!!”

Yay! With only a one hour delay we made it through the Roger’s Pass (a snow-filled high point between Revelstoke and Golden, B.C.) and home, only to find (aside from those few gorgeous hefty dumps of snow in early December) that…

It’s Spring!

Let there be joyous chirpings of birds, vast gurgling of the river splashing its’ banks and the drip of Winter’s silvery icicles….

I know, I know… it’s only January 6th and winter has only just begun. But has it? With its’ constantly fluctuating warm Chinook weather, Calgary has been unseasonably warm this year. Um… this is bad, right? Shhhh I think it’s been awesome zipping around, unimpeded, with my new winter tires whining over dry pavement… no boots or winter coat to weigh me down…

All right then, I know this can’t be good, the geese are confused.. and so am I for that matter!

At least I now I know why I’ve organized my pantry, cleaning out closets and purging… It feels like it’s time to spring clean!  Only I’ve had the ‘purge urge’ almost every other week this winter. Charities, no doubt, must be benefiting from the post-Christmas season influx of excess that has been displaced by gifts.  I know I’m not the only one with Spring fever…

I’ve also eked out time to catch up on a few online projects..
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In the meantime…as my fearless orchestra conductor and artiste fabuleux Elisa wrote… “Putting Christmas away always makes me sad.” I find it curious how we all love to confer so much meaning on this one simple word…  “Christmas”… and I can’t help but smile just imagining “the presents, the ribbons, the wrappings, the tags, the tinsel, the trimmings, the trappings… and, perhaps, even the roast beast”  getting shoved into a cardboard box until next year.

But does all of Christmas have to be “put away”… even the “good stuff”?

Elisa had a wonderful solution.. she planned to buy a big bouquet of flowers to console herself. Brilliant! As you can see I’ve followed suit and adorned my home with a few spring flowers (I ♥ peonies!)

Out with the old and in with the new, I guess..  and “Christmas” gets packed away for another year…

…but with a silent vow to keep a little magic of Christmas in my life all year long.

Yup, that’s it… that’s my only New Year’s Resolution this year… I think it’s a manageable one…

In the spirit of, er Christmas, er.. Spring,  well… how about friendship? This lovely little salad came from my wonderful friend Colleen. If you were ever fortunate enough to meet her, you would be inspired by her genuine, frank honesty, brilliant energy, enchanting smile, and inner grace!

Oh… why not… here’s a Spring poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe… to go with those beautiful bouquets!

Next Year’s Spring

The bed of flowers

Loosens amain,
The beauteous snowdrops

Droop o’er the plain.
The crocus opens

Its glowing bud,
Like emeralds others,

Others, like blood.
With saucy gesture

Primroses flare,
And roguish violets,

Hidden with care;
And whatsoever

There stirs and strives,
The Spring’s contented,

If works and thrives.

‘Mongst all the blossoms

That fairest are,
My sweetheart’s sweetness

Is sweetest far;
Upon me ever

Her glances light,
My song they waken,

My words make bright,
An ever open

And blooming mind,
In sport, unsullied,

In earnest, kind.
Though roses and lilies

By Summer are brought,
Against my sweetheart

Prevails he nought.

Bouquet of Spring Salad

Bouquet of Spring Salad
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/3 cup unbleached cane sugar, or more to taste
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp sweet white onion, chopped
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 2/3 cup vegetable oil
  • 2-3 tbsp poppy seeds, optional
  • 6 cup romaine lettuce
  • 1 pear, diced
  • 1 apple, diced
  • 1 cup swiss cheese, grated
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots, diced
  • 1 cup cashews, toasted
  1. Mix all dressing ingredients, except the poppy seeds, in a food processor or blender. Blend until dressing is creamy and smooth. Quickly mix in poppy seeds. If planning to keep the remaining dressing for a few days, don’t add the poppy seeds to the mixture that is to be refrigerated.
  2. Rinse and dry romaine lettuce leaves and place in salad bowl. Add other ingredients. Pour some of the dressing on and toss just before serving.

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