just a smidgen

Three Strikes and…

sometimes you just want to…

toss the kitchen sponge

…give up the ghost

…jump ship

…throw in the tea towel

“mother” nature has been toying with us again
(what kind of “mother” does that?)

some suspiciously white-colored rain fell yesterday

all of my friends expected that I would be putting a positive spin on it for them on my blog, but

even I was stumped

“That’s it! I’m done,” I harrumphed to no one of any consequence (since I was alone at the time)

“I refuse to use the “s” word again in my blog…

(not that “s” word.. silly… the word spring!)

until it’s summer!”

Undaunted, my daughter found me unhinged in the kitchen and went out to pick up a few “items” from the grocery store.. and then proceeded to concoct two large

Strawberry Zingers

(purely for medicinal purposes, of course)

And so we sat down in defiance on our front porch in the blustering, cold wind and


well, the sun has peeped up over the horizon this morning, chickadees are chirping, squirrels are scampering..

but i won’t believe it


I’m not falling for that one again,

“fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”

(fool me five times.. well.. let’s just say I must have an L stamped on my forehead)

I think I just may have to escape

…run away

(exactly what i tell my kids they shouldn’t do)

but sometimes, it’s the

best possible solution

p.s. On a side note.. I’ve decided to take some of the stress out of my blogging experience.. and spend less time writing responses to every single comment on my blog. I hope none of you will be offended.. and I surely appreciate the time you take to write your lovely comments.. I read every single one.  I’d just rather devote more of my time visiting your lovely blogs and commenting on your posts. xo Smidge

p.p.s. If I do decide to escape.. I will attempt to keep up my blog reading.. but this is the long-weekend after all, Victoria Day… in honor of the Queen. Perhaps I should wear a hat that looks like this one (right spree?)

Oh all right.. I can’t bear to leave you all with such sad faces, here it is then…

“When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on”
Franklin D. Roosevelt 

Katie's Strawberry Zinger
  • 1 can (250 ml) can frozen
  • strawberry daiquiri mix, thawed
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries or raspberries, thawed
  • 1 cup tequila
  • 1/3 cup orange liqueur (Grand Marnier)
  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 1 (1 liter) bottle club soda, chilled
  1. Put the first five ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into a large pitcher (strain if you wish to remove seeds) and add the club soda just before serving.
  3. Serve on ice with thin slices of lime and strawberries.



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