fast friends
besties and best of friends
girlfriends or
best buds
whatever you like to call them,
they’re your friends…
some friends last a day, a week, a year
some last a
and if you’ve ever been apart from your closest friends.. when you meet again,
it’s like they’ve never left
my besties and i met for one last “birthday lunch” for the school year
it was my turn to host for our friend Sharon
(we have two Sharons:)
and everyone always brings an scrumptious dish
or two or three..
best of all…
the minute we walk through those front doors
we cast off our “out there” worries
and we fall into arms that hug
and gaze into shining eyes that care..
and the flurry of chatter begins
first laughter and then quiet words
as we share our feelings and stories of “not-so-everyday” family life…
children studying feverishly for finals and
young adults preparing to leave home at the end of this summer
…for schools farther away than we’d like
and so the count-down of last days has begun…
some of us have been there and back
and survived (barely)
some of us have even enjoyed a few stolen quiet moments
with younger siblings who relished all the extra attention
and so
we reassure
but mostly we understand and we just
we’ll be there when it happens…
with arms that hug
and we’ll gaze with shining eyes that care
It seems my baking “flow” is still a little tenuous! I had a wonderful Sicilian Ricotta Cheesecake all lined up, mixed and poured to perfection and then chucked into a hot oven.
But no matter how often I opened the oven door and peaked,50 times it was a tough call deciding whether the cheesecake was baked through or not. In the end, my indecisiveness won out and the top was tough and chewy and a deep fissue ran through the middle like it had been struck by lightning! Completely unsalvagable, unfortunately.
I learned:
- not to over-mix the batter at break-neck speed or the resulting air would cause the cheesecake to split
- a cheesecake is ready when lightly
emphasis lightlybrowned yet still wobbly in the center - you must run a knife around the inside of the spring-form pan before allowing it to cool right in the pan so shrinking doesn’t crack the top as it cools
- cheese cake must cool completely before removing the spring-form pan or it may crack then and there
- and it has to cool and “set” before even attempting to slice into it
- if you make extra crust, you can push it right up to the top of the spring-form pan’s sides.. giving you even more yummy crust
at least now I know better
This is a blend of two separate recipes.. it’s a creamy New York Style Cheesecake with a lovely baked and shiny sour cream topping. A few fresh cherries were quickly simmered in a pot, thickened and cooled then poured over-top to serve. Or poured over a bowl of ice cream as a wee snack for all your hard work.
I think I would do as Smitten Kitchen did and make extra crust next time, so that those crunchy sweet crackers could come up the sides to the top of the pan. Well, there’s always a next time and a next Cheesecake!
(hmmm… maybe I should try that Sicilian Cheesecake.. now that I know what I know.. better still.. maybe I should make some ricotta cheese and use that in the cheesecake)
Bye for now.. I’m off to discover a few new picnic recipes for those summer hikes in the mountains…
Bowl of Cherries Cheesecake
- 2 cups graham crackers crushed
- 1/4 cup white sugar
- 1/2 unsalted butter, melted
- 1 kg cream cheese (4 large packages)
- must be full-fat,
- softened, at room temperature
- 1 cup white sugar
- 3 tbsp all-purpose flour
- 5 large eggs, room temperature
- 1/3 cup whipping cream
- 1 tbsp lemon zest
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Sour Cream Topping
- 1 cup sour cream, must be full-fat
- 2 tbsp white sugar
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
Cherry Topping
- 1-1/4 cups cherries, rinsed and pitted
- 2 tbsp lemon juice and zest
- 1/4–1/2 cup sugar
- 1 tbsp cornstarch mixed in 1/2 cup water
- Preheat the oven to 350 F with rack in the center of the oven.
- Liberally grease a 9” spring-form pan with butter. Place it on a baking sheet to catch any leaks from the bottom of the pan.
- In a medium-sized bowl combine the graham crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Blend with a spoon until mixture “clumps” when squeezed. Press the crumbs evenly over the bottom and 1 inch up the sides. Using a flat-bottomed glass, press the crumbs to pack them firmly into the bottom.
- Cover and refrigerate while you make the filling.
- In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle, add the cream cheese, sugar and flour. Mix on low until all is blended together and smooth, scraping down the sides periodically.
- Add the eggs, mixing well after each addition. Again, scrape down the sides as you go along.
- Add the whipping cream, lemon zest, and vanilla, mix, still on low speed, until everything is incorporated thoroughly.
- Remove the crust from the fridge and pour in the filling. Keeping the spring-form pan on the larger baking sheet, slide it into the oven.
- Bake for only 15 minutes, then lower the temperature and continue to bake for another 60-90 minutes. The cheesecake will be slightly browned and may be firm or still a touch wobbly in the center. Make sure you keep checking the progress of the baking as you go along since all oven temperatures vary.
- Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack.
Sour Cream Topping
- Combine the sour cream, sugar and vanilla in a small bowl. Then spread the topping over the warm cheesecake and return to the oven for a further 15 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and place on a wire rack. Gently run a sharp knife around the inside edge of the spring-form pan to loosen the cheesecake from the pan before it begins cooling. This will prevent cracks from forming.
- Allow the cake to cool completely before covering in plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for several hours, but preferably overnight.
Cherry Topping
- Add all ingredients to a medium saucepan. Heat on medium until the mixture just begins to boil.
- Reduce to a simmer and cook until cherries have softened and the sauce has thickened.
- Cool completely. Spoon over the cheesecake before serving or spoon over individual slices and serve.

I just love the title of this post. It sounds so inviting. What a precious time you must have had with these special people in your world. Raising children is just agony isn’t it, every step of the way. I’m sorry you had a disaster but we’ve all had those and look at how perfect your second attempt was! What an awesome looking cheesecake Smidge and it must have been heavenly with that gorgeous cherry topping. Yum, yum, yum xx
We love our lunches.. we’ve moved from home to restaurants but back to homes again because there’s more confidentiality and intimacy there:) I’ve loved reading your stories about your children.. it is agony.. and I have a feeling it never ends (according to my mom;) xoxo
beautiful cheesecake!
Thanks so much xo
Well I now know about making a cheesecake more so thank you for that. Too bad your first one didn’t turn out. This ome looks so good though!
It feels like such a waste when something I’ve baked fails.. but this one is a sure-fire recipe thank goodness!
I’ve been there done that. But oh well. I haven’t made any cheesecakes in over a year and I’ve been meaning to try again, my last one was a ricotta cheesecake actually but it was not for prettiness, more for taste and I didn’t even make it in a springform haha. Worked out fine. I need to find the recipe and make it again.
Yummm, it look scrumptious indeed!
Thank you!! xx
First disasters come and go but the second perfect result is here to stay 😀
What an absolutely stunning cheesecake my friend, accompanied by a lovely post!
Choc Chip Uru
Hahaha.. so true my friend, so true!! xx
So we get to learn from your mistakes! your ode to friendship is simple and hearfelt, lucky friends I say. And I’ll confess – I’ve never made a baked cheescake before……..
I hadn’t either.. only the quick no-bake. Our local Italian grocer had a baked one on its shelves the other day.. and I wanted one of my own..Well, I feel more confident to try the Sicilian one next time we have a party! xx
I love what you say about friends and friendhip – so true, so wonderful! And as for your cheesecake, this is my absolute favourite kind and when I get my next batch of cherries from the village I will be making this (and then sitting in a shad spot to enjoy a very big slice)!
What a lovely image you’ve place in my mind this morning.. I can picture you under a big shady tree with a lovely plateful on your lap.. These cherries were brought in from the states.. I can only imagine the flavor with freshly picked!
What a marvelous treasure you are to your friends, Smidge! Lovely cheese cake, and my goodness what an interesting website that Joy of Baking is!
It is a good one.. not really a personal flavor like the ones here at WordPress. It’s my “go to” when I’m struggling with techniques… and their recipes always turn out:)
I’m going to have a good long look at that site with a cup of tea tomorrow. It looks very interesting indeed!
This is very impressive. Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much.. it’s a stunner with those cherries on top:) xx
As someone who left my home country more than 20 years ago, I understand too well what it’ s like to be reunited (briefly) with friends, real friends.
Beautiful post, I wish I could get together with my friends a little more often than I do, but it’s not easy to do a 6 thousand mile jump… 😉
Awww… I’ve never moved and I can imagine your reunions must be quite emotional? I’m fortunate.. my friends seem to have stayed in one place for quite a while. A few have started to find “winter homes” in the the States though. Times are a changin’! Please jump:) I’d love that!! xx
I miss some of my friends from back home; now we just burn up the phone lines from time to time. Great post and I’m trying to figure out how to get a digital slice of that yumminess!
I know!!! I think if only we could at least “smell” through our computer screens.. it’d be a better world, lol! I bet you skype as well? xx
I miss my friends back home and the ones that have scattered across the land. Thankfully we burn up the phone lines occasionally. Great post and I’m trying to figure out how to get a slice of that yumminess there. 🙂
xoxo Thank heavens for phones.. computers.. text messaging..
How fortunate, Barb, that you had enough time to make a new cake. I’ve been in similar situations and used fruit topping to hide the crevasse ruining my cheesecake. I like your way better. 🙂
This is a special cake and one that is just perfect for serving when old friends reunite. It shows how much you care and miss them. I know ‘d be touched if someone baked this cheesecake for my return.
Your recipe is very similar to one that I had, and lost, years ago, It was delicious and I’m sure this one will be, too, when I make it. In fact, I’m looking forward to giving it a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe and for the baking tips. I don’t bake often and can use all of the help I can get. 🙂
This crevasse was so massive and crater-like the entire topping would have been consumed, lol! I bet you could do a wicked Sicilian Cheesecake.. it is your homeland after all:) I’d love to see yours done with homemade ricotta.. mmmm Your recipes are so complex, you must be an equally stellar baker, I think!
Beautiful and I love the tips, thanks for sharing. I hope you had a lovely time with your besties.
We always do.. I’m around more this summer.. so lots of morning coffee I hope! I was sure you’d have something I could make out of that failed cheesecake…
I think my favorite part of the post was the bolded reminder that you just have to take the hit and make the cake with full fat ingredients 🙂 It is dessert after all!
I suspect it doesn’t hold together otherwise?? And of course.. the flavor..;)
I miss my friends terribly, I now just what you mean, and I expect many happy reunions when i go to NZ in december.. your cheesecakes are divine and i loved the tips on how to get it just right.. my cheese cakes are never as beautiful as yours but they are tasty! c
How lovely you get to go back and visit.. now how and who takes over your farmy while you’re away?? Hmmmm Smidge at the Farmy… now that would be hysterical, since I have absolutely no Farm Talent whatsoever…
Lightening has struck a cheesecake or two in my day. That’s what the cherry topping is for! Thanks for sharing what you learned in good old JoC. I do love a New York cheescake.
I was afraid the center hadn’t set.. in hindsight I should have left it overnight.. oh, well, live and learn:)
Barbara … you really make me sick – *laughter – all this goodies and here I’m working my through cupboards and freezer. Haven’t had any cherries yet this season – not really ready yet, at least not the Swedish … love cherries … that bowl – could eat all those on my own. Pretty, delicious and tasteful … eye candy your website. An no calories.
These cherries weren’t local but were very sweet. In our city, if we waited for local only, we’d have so little throughout the year, lol! Nope, not one calorie.. I’ll tell anyone you want..
I would have been so tempted just to cover up my “mistake” but you made it again! I really admire that you wanted to serve the very best for your friends. The recipe is great, and I appreciate that you have provided so many great tips on how to make an excellent cheesecake. I have friends coming this weekend for a reunion…we see one another about once a year, and have been friends since we were in the second grade! One of the gals is an excellent cook and wants to do some cooking for ME! Isn’t that fun! But you’ve really made me think about how preparing and serving special favorites is a gift to our friends. You do it so well, Smidge! D
Aren’t you lucky! I do want it to be perfect for guests.. my own family.. well, they’re used to being guinea pigs:) Thanks so much! xx
Such a lovely post Smidge! I love the photos, words and that recipe is right up my cheesecake loving alley 😉 Thank you for sharing!
Thank you Sarah.. if you were any closer I’d send you over some, then you’d be over your sinusitis!!
I’ll be your best friend if I can have some cheesecake 😉
I was just going to write that I wanted to see the insides of that cake but then of course right at the end there it was – the money shot (so to speak)!
Ahhh.. I had to wait for light the next day.. and there was just enough left for the shot! You can’t cut into the cake before the party just for your blog.. or can you?
Smidge – one of the best looking cheesecakes I’ve ever seen. I adore cheesecake and could eat cherries all day long… I definitely once ate them all evening long. Lovely.
Coming from you, this is the highest of compliments.. you’re such a talent cook/baker, frugal.. Yes, I remember one summer day when we picked cherries and ate more than we took home.. I was in heaven!
Friendships are among the best things in life – where would we be without them. I like the look of the cheesecake. And I love the collection of bottles and jars in the first image.
They are my best supporters.. I love my friends. I picked up 3 more amethyst jars today.. I love collecting these!
yummy! I will try this recipe when I get a chance. I hope ypu’r enjoying your summer. And I love those jars and bottles.
So far (day one) so good! I went antiquing and read my book and read blogs.. my favorite way to spend a day! I hope you are as well!
Delicious! Both the friends and the luscious cheesecake.
They are delicious (my friends) 😀
that looks so delicious
Incredible photography and design! This cheesecake is worth every calorie! Z
It had better be.. I’m trying to eat less today as a result:D
My mouth was watering when I read your post on FB this morning – YUM:) Thanks for sharing & Have a Lovely Day!
You too!
The images — that gorgeous deep red/black against white — and that gift of sisterhood. Oh, thank you, Smidge, for this. And that cheesecake must be amazing.
It turned it as I’d hope.. second time’s the charm I guess! I love my sisterhood…
those cherries would never have made it onto anything in my house! Thanks for the tips Smidge. It is so good to have great friends you can rely on 🙂
Isn’t that true.. you’ve got to buy extra for snacking in the car…
I like this recipe.
You take such amazing photos, such vibrant colours… and then that recipe. I could eat the photos… but then I would need a new laptop 😉
Yes… now don’t lick the screen 😉
I got hungry just by looking at your post! =)
Your posts just keep getting more and more beautiful and special Smidge.
🙂 Mandy xo
That looks so wonderful, and the cherries are so plentiful right now, it’s a complete treat!
This cake is gorgeouuusss!! LOVEEE.
Drooling over here. I love cheesecake (who doesn’t??) and this looks so yummy I wish I could reach the screen and have a slice. 🙂
WOW! So beautiful, so beautiful… Thank you dear Barbara, this is something I can’t forget… Like a painting in my mind… Have a nice weekend, love, nia
Stunning looking cheesecake!
I’m not usually a cheesecake lover as I find them a heavy dessert but I love cherries so I’m sure I would love this one.
Oooh, cheesecake…I have never made one, can you believe it? And these beautiful pictures are enough to send anyone off to create one! Glad you had a lovely day with your besties 🙂
It’s fun having birthdays.. I get to make something much bigger than anything we’d have here as a family:)
What fabulous changes! I can’t wait to redo my blog after the bar. I adore your new setup and the new header!
Thanks… it took a long time and was a bit of fussing and rechanging.. but I’m really really happy.. it’s pretty unique now:) Have a wonderful day!! xoxo
A beautiful post as always Smidge. That cheese cake looks amazing! Have a great weekend.
Regards Florence x
You too, Florence! xx
Aaah, I see this and I know I still have a long way to come in cheesecake baking! I usually stop at the crust+baked cheese part. Next time I’m totally going to go the extra mile and add a sour cream topping and some delicious fruit on top too.
Beautiful cheesecake Smidge! I bet it’s all gone now 😀
It is all gone.. (ssshhhh) lol! Now I need a run!!
Oh my…. Smidge this is beyond impressive. The colours, the taste (I swear I can taste it if I get close enough to the screen). Amazing post!
Thanks, Aimee! I can’t wait to get reading blogs again, this has consumed so much of my time!! I’ll be visiting Clever Muffin soon!! xoxo
Such is life – if only we could be paid to blog and cook huh? I wish… 🙂
Wouldn’t that be incredible??
Oh my, you’ve really got me drooling Smidge… the cheesecake looks so darn good!
This cake looks UNbelievable! Glad I found your blog. Loving the photography and delicious-looking treats!
How did I miss this? I’m so behind with my blogs and when I saw this dessert I started drooling. How soon can I have one delivered? 🙂
This looks fantastic! And I can totally relate to the results of the first attempt. Still…I’m glad you wound up with this one. 🙂
Wow and wow! Cheesecake is one of my favorite weaknesses and love it paired with cherries. Your photography here is really stunning Smidge! (Not that that’s anything new!) Love especially those cherries on their white ruffled cake plate. Centerfold material! And loved reading of the sisterhood you share…nothing in life compares. 🙂 xoxo !
Mistake or not…it turned out gorgeous!
Oh my, I’m hyperventilating! I need that cheesecake. But what are Graham crackers? Would good old Jacobs do? No good, I’ll have to go to a cheesecake shop.
Loving the new look, by the way.
I think graham crackers are one of a kind.. they’re what you’d use to make a s’mores marshmallows with chocolate over a campfire??
Nope, have to be the cheesecake shop for me!.
I wanted to say that like the website redesign! Clean and colorful at once. I also love cherries – and cheesecake – and the two together, well, yum. I also wanted to let you know that I added you to my “Community” page. I was surprised to see that I didn’t have you on there already. Thanks for your cheerful and pretty posts, and keep them coming!
We both seem to have a thing for cherries just like everyone else! Ha ha! Very tempting recipe. It has somewhat of a similarity with the cherry cream I posted a few weeks back.
I have nominated you for the TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF blog award. If you accept awards, please click on my last blog entry for more details. Best regards,
Mary Ann
Thanks so much Mary Ann.. it’s always so appreciated to receive awards! xx
Hiya Smidge ! I’m playing catch up with my blogs and I love the new site design ! Glad the delicious recipes and gorgeous photos are still there to make me crave cheesecake at 11pm when I read this 🙂
I’m in the same boat.. Always playing catch up!! I have about 100 posts to read still.. And slowly getting through.. I’m glad you stopped by:D
this looks ah-mazing. i really should stop looking at food blogs in the middle of the night. it kills me. i want to eat my macbook screen right now.
Looks yummy! Thank you for visiting my blog.
Beautiful cheesecake … beautiful berries … beautiful blog.