just a smidgen

The Isle of Capri

I’ve missed you!


I promised you a seascape upon my return to the land of Smidgen.. the island you see above is the Isle of Capri located just off the coast of Sorrento in Italy.We took a ferry across after spending days wandering through Sorrento, drinking in the sites, the wine and devouring plates of the sweetest heirloom tomatoes, copious lashings of olive oil supplied with generous baskets of crusty bread.

{ Yes, I am in full food and wine withdrawal mode right now. }

This is the view of Sorrento from the sea, it’s a charming little town in Campania, Southern Italy,  built high above the Bay of Naples. Elevators or a strong set of legs are requisite for a trip to the beach.

More on Sorrento later.


It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for the short ride to Capri, waiting for the ferry took longer than the ride itself.



I expected a quaint little village.. much like you see here in the port.



We opted out of the street car and taxis cued to take tourists to the top,instead choosing to wander up.. and up these narrows stone walled passages. We made the wise decision not to rent vehicles during our stay, thinking the exercise might just help with the daily indulgence in wine and food.

{ We will have to return one day to explore the rest of the island which requires bus rides up sheer cliff walls to reach the grotto, the Marina Piccolo and other sites on the island. }



I loved to stop along the way and catch my breath admire the many artistically personalized gates.




Note to future self:  This was not a leisurely stroll for the less athletic or elderly, it has a deceptively steep incline.

I expected local artisan shops at the top, not having done much research on this wee island. I did understand it to be a haven for artists and writers. I was shocked to arrive at the town’s center and find row upon row of shops like this one.



Yes.. the Isle of Capri is also a “Rodeo Drive” mecca for those looking to do a little high end shopping. It was all very pretty but a surprise nonetheless.We wandered through a 5 Star hotel with the freshest contemporary interior design.



And now I’m longing for a studio floor tiled with these mosaic waves.



I fell in love with this artist..



and the gelato.. oh my, that gelato!

{ thankfully I have no photos of said gelato, it would set off instant cravings.. }

I created a little seascape for my table at home before we left.. and upon our return I reflected how it echoes the cerulean blue and turquoise colors of the sea.. and the bright whites of the Capri buildings.



{ I’ve been playing around with Adobe Photoshop.. so the colors in some photos have filters, others do not. }


The thick white Tuscan-like bowls, white scalloped mugs and platters and the turquoise water glasses were all found at Home Sense and came home after working diligently at a home I had listed for work.

Seashells, sand dollar, and aqua hour glass were collected over time. The 3 tiered galvanized steel serving piece and glass votives are from Pottery Barn.

Vintage jam jars were collected from various antique shops in the city.



Titanium white, Naples Yellow, and Cerulean and Turquoise are some my favorite colors for interior design, tablescapes and paintings.

They sooth the eye and calm one’s heart because they fill you with memories of the rhymic sound of waves from the sea.. and of time spent with feet in warm sand under the heat of the sun.

{ Now if I could just get my hands on a little bowl of gelato today, it would complete this Tablescape perfectly, don’t you think?}

I’ve been up since 4 am yesterday, 5 am today.. tomorrow I’m gunning for 6:00 am 😀

I think it’s time for a nap?



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