just a smidgen

On Peonies and Masticated Orange Sunrise Juice

Juicer 15So I bought these  “little Peonies”  the other day..
they were curled up tight in little buds, like any other Peony.. Ever..

Peonies 11

{ they were purchased at Magnolia Floral Gallery, West Market Square }

To my dismay, I found out that I paid as much per stem as my friend had paid for an entire bunch!

{ Always buy flowers at Co-op, I was told, they have the prettiest flowers there. }

That may be true.. however,

{ fortunately }  I didn’t get that email.. I got these instead..


Seriously.. I ask you, what sort of peony has this in the center?
{ I was almost afraid to get too close! }

I was inspired.. to take about 1,000 photos..
and then to find everything I’ve ever owned that had citrus, pink, coral, or orange shades…

and when I ran out, I succumbed to fruit.. 

{ btw citrus fruit and I have a somewhat sketchy on-again off-again relationship, I’m ashamed to admit }

{ My family wonders where to put their books and plates when they sit at the counter.. poor dears }

In keeping with my Colorful Enthusiasms

we are the proud owners of a new “gadget” in the kitchen..

Don’t you love “gadgets”.. this one isn’t from K-Tel,

I’d like to introduce you to..

Audrey III


She’s a Wickedly Awesome Masticating Beastly Gizmo.. I defy you to find one that can keep up with her appetite!

She devours everything in seconds.. and quickly churns it into a withering pulp..

oh.. and did I mention the juice?


Glorious, sparkling { o.k. healthy }  juice..


That photo doesn’t quite do her justice… let’s try that again, shall we?



Ahhhh… now that’s better, can’t you just see the Sun Rise ?

Orange Sunrise Juice
Prep time
Total time
  • 2 sweet orange bell peppers, seeded
  • 1 naval orange, peeled, leaving white pith intact
  • 4 carrots, rinsed
  • 1 large handful of fresh pineapple chunks, core removed
  • 1 lemon, peeled, white pith intact
  1. Feed through your juicer, follow your juicer's instructions.
  2. Enjoy or refrigerate for up to 72 hours.
  3. By Reboot with Joe





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