just a smidgen

Cozy Autumn Decor ~ DIY Fall Wreath

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Never say never.. I was determined not to give up my “neutrals”
and embrace fall in all its splendor


Autumn Tray dg

golden yellows, reds and oranges

but first I saw these sweet Teddy Bear Sunflowers,

{ I didn’t know there was a “Teddy Bear” Sunflower }

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then bright red ladybugs kept softly landing on us when visiting my family in Lethbridge on Friday..

and I was officially smitten and bitten with the Fall Bug to decorate!

{ thank you Ron and Jean for organizing our visit with family we haven’t seen since I was about four years old }

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and with a sunny explosion of color..

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those reds, golden yellows and oranges

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now brighten my home

As always I shopped my home.. but I found these sweet gourds at Divine Creations in Aspen Landing.
The adorable little jar was a parting gift from Davey and Danielle’s wedding, assorted dishes and napkins are long ago purchases from Anthropologie and Pottery Barn.

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I hope you find a corner of inspiration here today!
I’m thinking I might try to make my own candles.. I picked this one up at Pottery Barn because it smells like my favorite

Pumpkin Spice Lattés

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Autumn is one of my favorite seasons, but I’m glad I don’t have to choose!
This is a vintage berry crate, branches cut off my Hawthorne tree, pine cones from the tree at our office.

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I found some miniature pumpkins at Safeway.

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More hydrangea from my garden in a vintage apple crate.. I still haven’t found the best way to dry them so they last longer.

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I was so in love with this Pottery Barn Wreath.. but when I saw it in person it wasn’t what I was looking for..
so here is my Pottery Barn inspired Fall wreath.. it was fun and easy to make. If I was thinking better late last night.. I would have just tied the pumpkins to the wreath.. because I think this could easily transform into a Christmas Wreath.

DIY Fall Wreath

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24″ natural twig wreath
4 tall 36″ fall leaf with red berry branches
2 small 8″ sprigs lime green berries
2 small 6″ red, yellow, bronze maple leaf sprigs
3 white faux pumpkins
4 red faux pomegranates
6-8 3″ or 4″ pinecones

glue gun
floral wire
wire cutters or sturdy scissors
wreath hanger

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1. Begin with the large branches, gently bend to so the ends are rounded, almost like a large bowl.
Insert the ends firmly on top and into the wreath, do not glue at this point, you want to make sure they cover the natural twig wreath.
I made sure the gently bended ends stood out above the wreath, this was what I loved about the Pottery Barn wreath.
I kept all four branches “going” the same direction around the wreath. My daughter held up the wreath and I tied the top ends of the branch to the wreath with a length of floral wire.

2.Once you like the positioning, you may glue the ends and reinsert them in the wreath. I didn’t find it necessary to do so if I found a narrower section of the wreath to insert the ends into, they stayed quite well without gluing. Using your hands, gently unfold and bend the leaves so it looks natural.

3. Snip the green berries off the two sprays. Then place them around the wreath, inserting the ends as you go. Do the same with the fall maple leaf sprays. I just put these in randomly. Do not glue at this point.

4. Place your pumpkins and pomegranates around until you like how your wreath looks.

5. Begin gluing each end of your green berries and maple leaf twigs and insert them into the wreath. I didn’t have them all going the same direction. Decide where the top of your wreath is and you can have the berries and leaves coming “down” each side.

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6. Glue the bottoms of each pumpkin and pomegranate and glue them in the place you’ve predetermined. Try to “nestle” them between the long branch stems and leaves so they look more natural. I was quite random in my placement of everything.

7. Finish by gluing the pine cones and pressing them into the wreath and foliage. Try to think of the sides of the wreath, not just the front so that it will look more natural.

* All supplies and materials were purchased at Michael’s Hobby Store, except the pomegranates and pumpkins which were purchased in a bag at Pottery Barn. They come in sets of 6, so you might want to find a friend to make a wreath with and share them. Otherwise, just use them throughout the rest of your home.

Love, Smidge



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