just a smidgen

Wear Gratitude Like a Cloak ~ Rumi

 Her Assignment

Some I know have had, still have such difficult, even tragic lives.. and yet they continue to amaze me with their courage and grace, their love.. and most of all their ability to still feel gratitude for all the blessings in their lives. These loved ones inspire and lift us all up to be courageous too, when life takes an unforeseen turn. A safe landing on a friend’s shoulder, soft words shared in private, all bear the brunt of what could be unbearable. With Thanksgiving just around the corner.. and on every day of my life, I try to remember to be thankful.. and so grateful for the many blessings in my life.. and to share a my Cloak of Comfort where I can.

Wear Gratitude 4

I have a small chalkboard in my back entryway. It used to hang on our kitchen wall at the lake. But time relentlessly brings change into our lives.. and so this little chalkboard made its way home with me. We’ve filled it with many inspired doodles, menus and lighthearted scribblings.

Today, in an attempt at chalkboard art, I played around a bit with fonts. I enlarged and reversed Rumi’s poem. Then carefully traced over each letter in order to rub onto the chalkboard. Of course.. it was far too small, so I wiped the board clean and began again.. free-hand.

I like to think that sometimes we’re fortunate enough have the chance to “wipe the slate clean” in our lives.. and just wing it.. free-hand!

Chalkboard Gratitude Art

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life.
~ Rumi

So if you have a chalkboard..

you can download this if you wish, I recommend printing on ledger sized paper, depending on your chalkboard size. When you print, select Layout and Flip Horizontally. Then write over each letter in reverse with white chalk, it helps to sharpen your chalk, although my chalk seemed to break in the sharpener, lol. I just used the sharper edge. Place your paper, chalk side down and rub to transfer the outlines for your words. Then go over each letter and leaf with colored chalk. According to “Google”, you can rub the back of the paper with chalk, flip it over and print on the graphic with a pencil to transfer the letters.

Better still, write this in your own handwriting and enjoy a moment of creativity. If you don’t have a chalkboard.. you could print the colorful version out for your fridge.

 Wear Gratitude by Rumi

I love this quote.. and I hope you all share your “Cloak of Comfort” with someone today…

Love, Smidge



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