just a smidgen

Heart Thimble Cookies

Thimble Cookies

 Snowflakes drift gently down


all silent white

and in that silence

Thimble Cookies 1

I think of you and wonder..

Thimble Cookies 4

do you have arms to hold you

… a friend’s shoulder to lean on?

Thimble Cookies 7

Sending a little box filled with heartfelt sugar kisses are such a thoughtful gesture for loved ones or friends.

When one has a surfeit of jam in the kitchen, these little Heart Thimble Cookies { or Thumbprint Cookies } would make a lovely hostess gift as well.

I was delighted to find this recipe.. after all
how can you go wrong when a recipe requires only four ingredients.. and a smidgen of jam?


My favorite were the cookies filled with Apricot Jam but the Carrot Cake Jam was a close second!

Heart Thimble Cookies
Cook time
Total time
  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup jam
  1. In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, whip butter, sugar and almond extract together until light and fluffy. Turn the mixer to low and slowly mix in the flour.
  2. Cover and refrigerate for one hour.
  3. Remove and form 1" balls, softening somewhat with your hands. Press your index finger to shape one side of the heart and turn 45 degrees the opposite direction to press the other half. Use your thumb to form the pointed end of the heart. The cookie will be round, quick thick with a deep heart impression in the center.
  4. Add jam until it fills the cookie heart. Refrigerate an additional 20-30 minutes.
  5. Preheat the oven to 350F.
  6. Bake the cookies straight from the fridge for 14 minutes or until only lightly browned.
  7. Adapted from Land O' Lakes Thumprint Cookie


Love, Smidge 5

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