just a smidgen

Top Ten Recipes for Last Year!

Top 10 2013 3 PicMonkey Collage

Let the countdown to 2014 begin!

Here are your Top 10 Recipes for 2013!

Number 10

You know I love experimenting with fancy cakes for family and friends birthdays!

This Pretty in Pink Tomboy Cake was a popular one this year,
I loved the pink icing swirled between the dark chocolate layers!

Tomboy Cake 7

Number 9

Pumpkin Spice Lattés were so yummy this fall, but adding whipped cream and  a shot of
Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka
felt so Naughty and Nice for the Christmas season!

Naughty Whipped Pumpkin Spice Latte 1

Number 8

I hope you enjoyed exploring Christmas traditions in Sweden as much as I did!

Swedish Rice Pudding

{ Julegrot or Risgrynsgröt }

was so easy to make..

and I wonder who got the hidden almond this year?

Julgrot 5

Number 7

I love having my daughter in the kitchen,

this year we baked up a batch of her Gluten-Free Vegan Cocoa Cookies!

Vegan Cocoa Cookies 2

Number 6

Remember these Banana Muffins.. well, they really are just

The Best Banana Muffins!
I think I’ll make some this morning..

Best Banana Muffins 2

Number 5

Salted sweets appeared in so many recipes on Pinterest,

I loved these little Salted Dark Chocolate Haystacks for Hallowe’en!

Salted Chocolate Haystacks 7 fg

Number 4

Strawberry and White Chocolate.. Heaven

Snowberries 4

Number 3

Starbucks has nothing on these homemade Pumpkin Spice Lattés..

I’ll be making these and saving money in 2014!

Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe

Number 2

The Gluten-Free trend continues with this yummy

Gluten-Free ‘n Vegan Granola

Best Granola 3

and finally..

Number 1

When I posted them after our trip to Italy, I had no idea they were one of

Italy’s favorite cookies at Christmas time.

I can see why.. these Anginetti { Italian Lemon Drop Cookies } are  just so pretty and festive with their sprinkles!

Anginetti 2

I’ve missed you!

I’ll be back with the top 10 DIY Crafts for 2013 and a new favorite and fast weeknight dinner!

Love, Smidge 5


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