just a smidgen

Reboot with Joe Day Three

Today was a crazy day, both Katie and I had last minute appointments to get our hair done! So the third and final day got of our Reboot with Joe Cleanse was off to a bumpy start. I had my usual morning coffee and had to run out the door for a 9 am appointment. I thought I had grabbed an Elevate Me Bar to get through the morning, but managed to leave it at home! The shops in the building where I go were all closed for the weekend, so believe me, my tummy was rumbling!

Meanwhile at home, Katie made a lovely juice of her own creation.


Katie with juice

Watermelon Sunrise
  • 1/4 watermelon
  • 1 orange
  • 8 pineapple wedges
  1. Cut watermelon into chunks, removing rind and white portions. Scrape orange thin peel off, leaving the white pith. Cut into chunks and remove seeds. Core and cut pineapple into wedges, removing skin. We used prepared pineapple spears.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 2 servings


90kCal per serving

Drink 16 oz (500 ml) coconut water

Again, not being home meant I missed out on the Coconut Water! Ok, to be honest, coconut water just isn’t my thing.. so I was probably avoiding it and finding excuses not to drink it;) By the time I got home, Katie had made our Lunch Juice, a Garden Variety Juice from the last two days with four pieces of swiss chard added.


Garden Variety

Garden Variety Juice

Garden Variety Juice
  • 4 apples
  • 4 cucumbers
  • 16 kale leaves (Tuscan cabbage)
  • 4 swiss chard leaves
  • 2 handfuls of parsley
  1. Core and quarter the apples. Rinse and cut cucumbers in half lengthwise then quarter into wedges. Rinse and pat dry kale leaves and chard leaves. Rinse and pat dry parsley.
  2. Add to your juicer, alternating ingredients.
This is a http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/ recipe, more can be found on their website.
Nutrition Information
Serving size: 2 servings

Then we headed out for her appointment, I went along to keep her company. I admit I ordered a tall soy decaf latte from Starbucks and managed to stay away from their snacks. I have to say, if they’d had those packages of nuts and dried fruit I think I would have bought one! My will power has rapidly diminished on Day Three!

The boys had arrived back home from their business trip, so we made plans to have dinner together. We chose a Sushi restaurant nearby thinking it would be the healthiest choice after 2 1/2 days of a Juice Cleanse. I resisted the veggie tempura and stayed with a Chicken Teriyaki dish and my goodness that tasted amazing!

Final Review:

I loved this Cleanse, even though I didn’t have the stamina to make it through three complete days, I loved how it made me feel. I even think my skin started to glow! I’m happy that these are recipes I can use again and again just by shopping at the grocery store and I’m so looking forward to juicing with fresh farmer’s market produce this summer, the taste will be amazing. If you are looking for a cleanse or just looking for recipes all of these recipes and more can be found at http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/.  For us, it just works to have put money into an appliance we can use over and over, rather into a prepackaged juice cleanse from a store. Despite having to put out the money up front for a juicer, it will pay for itself with use over the years. Another benefit of a cleanse is that it really did “reboot” my taste buds, I have fewer cravings for refined sugar and am looking forward to making healthier changes going forward!

If you are looking for a cleanse or just looking for recipes all of these recipes and more can be found at http://www.rebootwithjoe.com/.

I was not hired by or compensated by Reboot with Joe for these posts, the opinions and results expressed here are entirely my own.


Love, Smidge

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