just a smidgen

As the Heart Hopes

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Bringing flowers into our home brings such cheer on these dreadful, dreary not-so spring feeling days.

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Maybe I’ll take time to bake a loaf of Crescia al Formaggio or Hot Cross Buns…

Hot Cross Buns Best 2

I picked up some small hydrangea and a few pansies, setting them on a wooden tray.

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The spring fragrance of hyacinth is enriching too, I wonder what it must be like to walk through a park planted with hyacinth?
I’d love to be there right now.

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Easter with older children is a quieter, family gathering sort of affair.. and I love that.
This year, quieter than usual.

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I love hydrangea, I have a white one in my front yard that does pretty well despite our harsh winters.

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This little bunny and these books were on my table last spring, that Tablescape was a little more involved than this simple tray..
it was all I felt like putting out this year.

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I brought home my first pussy willows and found the wee robin’s nest I made last year.

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I hear tulips are blooming in Chicago now and they’ve turned the corner from winter..

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In our hearts, we’d like to turn the corner to spring as well…

Until then, I will light my candles and wait for spring. This is the longest, harshest, winter we’ve had since I can remember.
I’m longing to turn away from this one too.

“Can any exquisite, unearthly morn,
Silverly breaking o’er a starry plain,
Give to your soul the poignant pleasure born
Of virgin moon and sunset’s lustrous stain
When we together watch them ? Oh, apart
A hundred universes you may roam,
But still I know – ­I know – ­your only home
Is here within my heart”

excerpt from As the Heart Hopes by Lucy Maud Montgomery

We’ve had an unthinkable and unbearable week in Calgary.. our collective hearts are broken.
Please whisper a small prayer for our community, it will be so difficult to see the beauty in our world again.. to find spring and hope.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed Easter weekend.

Love, Smidge



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