just a smidgen

Just a Smidgen of Love

I still remember the feeling of abject trepidation when I hit “Publish” for the first time on Just a Smidgen.. or the astonishment when I saw “1 view” appear on my stats page. I was confounded.. how had someone actually found and read my blog?

Years later, I still feel elated, yet also humbled when someone comes across Just a Smidgen and loves what they see enough to comment, share, subscribe or just tell me how a recipe has turned out for them.


From my first article in Artful Blogging magazine to an interview with CBC, this “little blog that could” just keeps on going..and late last tonight I wondered how this will all end? The thought makes me cringe to be honest.. but, seriously, will I be blogging when I’m a 100? Still.. I can’t imagine a day when I will want to stop creating and writing.


And yet.. there’s still that insecure voice in my head that tells me that my work mightn’t be worthy. I’ll admit, I even started to cry when I read CBC’s description of my blog. Finally.. someone “got me”.  After being asked countless times: “What is Just a Smidgen, Why do you blog? What’s the point? Does it make money? Or “I saw your “little” blog (read: “unimportant”)”.


I’ll never forget seeing Romantic Living’s special Christmas edition, “Vintage Holiday” magazine on the rack at Chapters/Indigo bookstore, picking up a copy and thumbing through and seeing my photographs and words in print.. it was a dream come true. I’ve always wanted to be a writer.

PicMonkey Collage Vintage Holiday 2

This next month, Romantic Living magazine will be publishing my two Lavender Cookies recipes, another favourite.. Pink Lemonade Scones is appearing in an issue after that and this fall I’ll have a page of my “Ten Favourites”,

yet there are still days I am surprised that anything I’ve done has value for someone else.

Mostly because..

someone once told me I was a terrible writer

.. yeah, he even laughed at me..

and comments like these never quite leave us, do they?


I have to remind myself often that one’s value or worth can only be found in loving oneself.. flaws and all.. not found “out there” in the opinions and judgment of others.

Perhaps we should simply create..  and the act of creating should be enough in itself.


I’m not sure where I’m going with this and I apologize for rambling on..  but I wanted to say that

all of your friendship, fellowship and support has such a generous and tender way of unravelling unkind words..

and I’m so grateful for that…

and I hope I do the same for you.


It’s become increasingly difficult to find time between work and family to be as creative as I used to.. and that makes me melancholy (remember that poem.. it had a few people worried about me, lol). I love to devote my “all” to everything and I love having time to share the beautiful in this life of ours!

But today, all I have for you is a “replay” of a few of these projects from Valentine’s past. I so hope to find time to decorate or bake something special before then.. but just in case I don’t.. here are a few of my favourites:)

This Valentine’s Day.. let’s celebrate all the different sorts of love we find in our lives!


Sweetheart Rose Petal Soaps

These were sooo pretty and smelled so heavenly, I almost hated to use them.. they were adorable gifts when wrapped in crinkly cellophane!

Sweetheart Soaps ZRose Petal Sugar Body Scrub

I still think this is a better face and body scrub than anything I’ve purchased. How nice to get a little sugar in your mouth by accident.. instead of chemicals.

Rose Petal Sugar Body ScrubMy Queen of Hearts

was my tribute to my Gran.

Ombre Paper Roses DPersonalized Cloud Art

Well, this was just a fun website, a pretty neat personalized and adult way to make a Valentine’s Day card I think.

Heart Shaped PostFree Printable Recipe Cards

I made these to go with a sugar cookie recipe. I love graphic design and { some day } would love to have my own shop… I’m a stationery addict!

Recipe CardPink and Gold Confetti Valentine Coasters DIY

These were so easy that a few other websites shared them with their readers.. you just need a steady hand.

Valentine Coaster Collections
Bella’s Biscuits – Homemade Dog Treats

Who could forget their puppy on Valentine’s Day? I think they deserve something very special and homemade.. don’t you? Huffington Post thought so too and shared it with their readers.

Bella's Biscuits bBlushing Bride DIY Lip Balm

This was a blog specifically written for a wonderful blogger’s magazine, Celebrating Every Day Life. Sadly, is no longer being published. It was an honor to write for her. This was also a favorite of mine.. so I added a couple of extra photos:)

Lip Balm 12sLip Balm 13Lip Balm 6A Smidgen of Valentine Decorations

There’s always pink somewhere in my house, and last year I went a bit crazy, lol.

Valentine's Decor 7

What are you dreaming up for Valentine’s?

Love, Smidge Bluebird

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