just a smidgen

The Journey

Much is said about the journey being the destination..

I think that’s true, but there’s also something to be said for resolution.

Take this scarf for instance..

I started it two winters ago and

now it’s done.. just in time for Spring.


This was my first knitting project and I managed to choose a complicated pattern with a cable knit..

{ because who doesn’t love cable knits }

So when things were good, well, they were very good..

but as you can guess,

this little project just got set aside whenever it got too be too much

or life got too busy.

Scarf 2

There’s such a relief when you finish a project, no matter how small.

This little scarf seemed simple enough, it’s called The Audrey Scarf from the website Ravelry.
( you won’t be able to view this scarf without signing up, but joining is free )

The Audrey Scarf

Needle: US 15-10.0 mm
Yarn: Cascade Yarns Magnum
How much: 1 skein=123.0 yards (112.5m)
Colorway:  9452
Color family:  Blue

CO 16
Row 1: k4 p1 k6 p1 k4
Row 2: k2 p2 k1 p6 k1 p2 k2

Add a cable every 8th row. Or perhaps 9th. Whichever is the right side row.

Finish when done. 1 skein.

Scarf 3

Pretty vague instructions for a novice knitter, but I prevailed, searched up websites to learn how to cast on, etc, visited the local knitting shop, The Loop in Kensington for wool (Scarf directions in hand), and began.

I ended up requiring more than 1 skein, the scarf was too short.
I like wrapping my scarf around and around on cold days.

Other goals take less time but can be frustratingly technical.

Sometimes in life you don’t know you’ve made progress until you look at things side-by-side.

Then you can be proud to see how truly far you’ve come!

See those lemons on the left.. and how the ones on the right are just more finished looking?

Lemons Collage

I’ve got the lemons where I like them now, but I have managed to absolutely destroy the teacup, so that has been set aside for another day of painting.

And then there’s those fitness goals I started a few months ago.

Yes I’ll admit to having taken a few “Before and After” photos at the gym.. and I’ll be posting those.. never, lol!
But I highly recommend it, you can see the changes happening in your body when you look back to that first day.
It helps you stay on track..
{Although it’s definitely not as rewarding as ice cream.}

Sometimes it’s so difficult to see the progress you’ve made.

I’ve got some nice toning and muscle in my arms, now, but I’m still working on my six-pack:)

And, of course, some goals are important to keep for a lifetime!

Love, Smidge

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