just a smidgen

DIY Holiday Decor with Rona

Well, this splendid holiday season Rona asked if I’d like to receive a gift box

filled with everything I’d need to create my own holiday decor.


I thought it would be fun.. and it was so totally worth it.

Rona Gift 1

This giant red box was delivered right to my door. I love big boxes wrapped in shiny red paper, who cares what’s inside.. it’s the parcel that counts, right?

Rona 2

Well, I was sort of curious, they don’t tell you what you’ll be getting.


Wreath Decorations!

Rona 3

Perfect for my new front door.. or my daughter’s new front door, this box had everything.

I was worried I’d have to go pick up a glue gun, but even that was included.


I just laid everything out the way I thought it would look pretty.

Rona 4

I’m more of a simple color scheme gal, so I set the green decorations aside, they will likely show up next year or somewhere else in my house.

Rona 5

Then I got glue everywhere, stuck my fingers together… but for me, that’s part of the fun.

Rona 7


Start to finish, this took about 25 – 30 minutes of simple fun.

rona 6


Just as I thought.. my wreath vanished from my front door and I’m pretty sure it’s hanging over at Katie’s new apartment, which makes me smile!

Rona 8

Who knew Rona sold all of these sorts of holiday crafting supplies?

Rona 9

Now I can shop for floor cleaner and check out their decor at the same time, always so much more fun.

Rona 10

I also think they should just sell these kits, or auto ship them on order.. wouldn’t that be a fun surprise every holiday? Just think what they could have for us on Valentine’s Day??

Rona 11



Disclaimer: while I did receive all items free of charge the opinions expressed here are my own.

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