just a smidgen

Mary Macleod’s Shortbread

we’ve been given just a glimpse of spring..


fleeting moments of brilliant sunshine promised

yet again, today, we are cloaked in overcast skies

and having my car in for service this morning means I’m stuck at home trying to forget the cost of two new tires on top of an oil change..

and am dreaming instead of pussywillow porches

and spring flowers

Live Life in Full Bloom Chalkboard Art

my rental has such limited gardening capacity

I’ve only room for pots and planters

so I often dream of a new home surrounded by flower beds and long to

run my fingers through the black earth

one day I will have that again..

instead beautiful cut flowers in vases


chalkboard art

Live Life in Full Bloom 2

The Earth Laughs 1

and playing with photography

will have to suffice

I’m learning to cultivate patience and gratefulness for what I do have.

I was given this bright red tin

Mary Macleod's Shortbread 1


Mary Macleod’s Handmade All Butter Shortbread

Mary Macleod's Shortbread 2

to review..

so with a pup at my feet and coffee mug in hand I’m sampling

a little nugget of buttery shortbread

while I write

Mary Macleod's Shortbread 3

There is a Mary Macleod and her shortbread company was founded in 1981 everything is handcrafted and small batch baked with all natural, premium ingredients. She has many different flavors and sent me Chocolate Crunch to sample, one of their best-sellers. While these cookies are not homemade they taste like the next best thing. Soft with a yielding crunch, they have the added texture of chocolate to melt in your mouth. They are excellent with tea or coffee. These cookies can be used in their company’s recipes and they’ve shared a few with me: butterscotch Toffee Squares, Butterscotch Topped Oatmeal Muffins and Butterscotch Coco-Sesame Oat Bars. While I won’t be baking any of these any time soon because of my workout plan, it is great to see other ways to use these little sweet morsels.

But for me.. a hot cup of tea and a little shortbread before bedtime feels just right!

Mary Macleod's Shortbread 4



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