just a smidgen

on love

“We name mostly in order to control but what is worth loving does not want to be held within the bounds of too narrow a calling.”

– David Whyte

I believe that the true joy in all relationship is the slow unfolding of experience shared, the gradual process put in motion, undertaken with the tender and deliberate process of “knowing” the other person. (Do we ever really “know” another person?)

I’ve learned this year, that there is an infinite expression of relationship possible, that something new arrives each time we are in pursuit of this creative process. Not all are mere friendship or, at the other extreme, a committed, physically intimate relationship. There are illimitable levels of connection that exist in the continuum between the two that can be revealed and celebrated.

The intention, I think, could be to connect on some level of emotional and spiritual intimacy, a depth of resonance and feeling of being together and on the same page in those areas, even in a simple platonic friendship. This is how we honour, support and grow by virtue of the alloy of two unique beings looking out for the best in the other. To the outer world this can look like friendship or appear as devoted lovers, but I think it is possible to be intimately linked with someone on a deeper level, without being in a pedestrian alliance of “love” as defined by society.

I think this may be the true gift of love given, to connect and resonate with someone, to know and support them on a deeply intimate level with the selfless understanding that “the spirit in me sees the spirit in you”..

without restraint, without an “end date” or limiting beliefs..
but with a joyful savouring of the other’s soul.



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