just a smidgen

Recreating My Vision Board

My neglected

Vision Board

was stashed aside in the living room, so I brushed it off and began to meditate again. Moving and busier days meant my meditation practice had gone astray and it was such a lovely feeling to light candles at dawn,

play soft music



But my mind began to wander and as I scanned my board I realized that I’d accomplished most of the dreams that had been so carefully placed there…

it had served it’s purpose and

I’d changed so much it not longer “fit”.

I looked back at my two vision boards to reflect on the person I once was.

My first Vision Board was almost rudimentary, a recording of what I loved at the time, but it had a very important message that urged me to begin my journey.. I’m so so thankful I did.


My second Board had more depth, but so was soft, filled with a longing, a tentative, romantic view of the world,

I was going to paint, climb, read, make pottery, eat healthy food, hike on my own, camp and travel to New Zealand.

I should note.. I did all but the last two.

Vision Board meditation works.. it works because

what we focus on expands

So I found magazines that resonated, either because of content or the style of photography and print and sat with a glass of wine and, with soft music playing, began choosing

the images and

words that spoke to my heart…

and from there it came together..

I’d made a basic list of goals, but what I’ve always found is that images will just stand out from the rest and you know these are the “keepers”.

I  don’t know if it’s intuition, but it happens every single time.. there are pictures you think you want (like..  “I’m gonna to make donuts this year!”)

and then there’s the ones the strike a chord and just resonate with

your innermost self..

There were five specific photos that did this for me and they are placed in the four corners and the center of my poster.

So this is where I am at, for now.. my board is filled with such a richer depth of colour

because I plan to spend so much more time in nature this year.. and I want to see a moose.. really really badly.

I hope to take a lot of landscape photography, kayak on the ocean, go on a horseback camping trip where they serve coffee in old tin cups, do more fly fishing and rock climbing, try ice climbing, get a new tattoo, try to do more creativity in every form (including soap making but most especially oil painting), make herbal infusions from what I grow in my garden next spring, travel to find a labyrinth, meditate daily and most of all create a home that brings the outdoors that I love inside my home.

Have the most beautiful day today.. xx




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