Sometimes life has a way of sending you down the wrong trail and you feel you’ve somehow lost yourself. There’s that instinct that pulls you to turn back home, to reconnect in a place where you can find yourself again. For some reason, I have always gotten back in touch with myself in the mountains, it’s that scent of crushed pine between your fingers, freezing rivers, cold mornings nestled in a sleeping bag, having to shrug on icy jeans so you can have that first tin cup of cowboy coffee around the campfire. I think it must be that stark contrast of rugged living next to a life that’s become too common and complacent, where you can find your own stark self stripped of the outer trappings of a complicated life.
There’s that saying.. “I wish I knew it was the best of times when I was in the best of times.” Well, these past few days I felt totally immersed and aware of how magical it was to be in the rugged backcountry of our incredible Banff National Park with some really beautiful people. Our guide Christine (Banff Trail Riders) took us from Norquay into the backcountry to Stoney Creek. We rode past wildflower meadows of Alpine Rockcress and Paintbrush, deer, elk, through rushing rivers and along steep hillside slopes, all under the shadow of towering mountain peaks.

While editing my photos last night, I’ve become even more acutely aware of how blessed I was to be with these lovely people. Some would say that everything in life is random, but I believe that there are those who come into our lives at just the right time and for the right reason.

Lesley is a traveling nurse, she drives solo throughout the U.S. and manages to find time to experience the states and parts of Canada along the way. I admire her courage and genuine passion for her life and her care for all of us, especially her horse Cadillac who became injured during our stay at the ranch. She taught me how to have a strong mindset for flying solo with confidence.

Marina and Brina were so joyful in their gentle love for one another. Both of these girls work in software and technology, in fact Brina was one of the handful of people to create Instagram, long before it became a company of 500 strong. Because of them I’m now considering taking a three month bootcamp that they recommended, I’m super excited to explore Software Engineering as a possible next chapter in my life:)

Winston and Sophie have such a beautiful father daughter relationship. Every morning Winston would bring Sophie a hot water bottle and a coffee to help her wake up, so amazing! He also looked after every single one of us in our group, helping to build fires for Christine our guide and regaling the rest us with colorful stories of a life well lived in Maine. Sophie told me he has a talent for “seeing” into people and he definitely found ways to encourage us all. My favourite memory of Sophie is snuggled up reading in a hammock, tucked under her down jacket. Sophie has such a sweet, gentle confidence, she was so natural riding horseback that it helped me to stay relaxed riding Deuce.

I do think everyone comes into your life for a reason, honestly, I could have been stuck camping with families with wild and unruly kids;) instead I was blessed with such beautiful people who imparted lessons for me in such a short time. Even the personalities of the horses was so fun, my Duece who has one blue eye, Biscuit who was afraid of water, Timon, Cadillac, every one of those horses had it’s own distinct nature.
Yes, everyone is on loan to us (Lesson 2 – What I Know For Sure) some for a season, a reason, a lifetime or just three quick days in the backcountry. I am so so blessed!
I hope you enjoy this video and get the chance to experience people and places like I did!
Sounds like an
AbsoLutely perect trip
It really was.. the second day’s ride was just gorgeous!
Love love love this. Beautiful, moving and inspiring. Thanks for sharing this part of you Barbara!
Im so glad you loved this, it was a really inspiring Few days for sure.
Loved the video of your trek. I could smell the forest and feel the cool mountain air while swaying in the saddle. Lovely cuz💖