Mabel Lake Apricot Jam
  • Fully ripe apricots
  • For every cupful of fruit
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1-1/2 tsp lemon juice
  1. Wash the apricots. Cut them, unpeeled or peeled, into small pieces. Measure the fruit. Add to every cupfull of fruit the 3/4 cup sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice.
  2. Permit this to stand for 12 hours.
  3. Stir this mixture over a quick fire. Permit it to boil until it is thick (usually 5 minutes). Update: It took far longer to thicken. You'll need to watch closely as this boils over quite easily! This can happen in a second so just stand and keep stirring. It took about 15 minutes for my last batch to thicken! Stir and watch as foam subsides and the jam gets a shiny glaze color to it. That is usually when it's done. Put a small spoonful onto a plate and put it in the fridge to see if it sets. Remember this is a "runnier" sort of jam so will not have the thick set a pectin recipe would. Place the jam while hot in hot sterilized glasses. Seal them.
  4. I just freeze this jam, so I skip the necessary steps required to seal the jars by boiling.
This is the jam Gran and Grandpa make at the lake every summer with fresh apricots.
Recipe by Just a Smidgen at