Lavender Butter
  • 3 500 ml organic full fat whipping cream
  • coarse salt
  • culinary lavender
  1. In a mixing bowl fitted with a whisk attachment, blend the cream on medium speed. As the mixture begins to thicken into whipped cream, continue to beat, adjusting speed higher if needed. You may want to lay a cloth over top to prevent splashing or use a splash guard. Beat until you hear a sloshing sound then reduce mixer to avoid covering your kitchen in the white buttermilk liquid as it separates from the butter.
  2. Move the butter to a bowl. Add ice cold water and smear the butter with a spatula. Pour off the water. Repeat several times until the water pouring off becomes clear and not cloudy. This is an important step as it keeps your butter fresh for a longer period of time.
  3. Add salt and lavender to taste. Spoon soft butter into a mould and refrigerate. To remove, warm the sides of the pan or leave out on the counter for a bit. Cut the butter into squares and refrigerate or freeze.
  4. Alternately, roll the softened, seasoned butter in a square of plastic wrap, shaping into a log. Refrigerate then slice into pats then put back into the fridge or freezer.
Recipe by Just a Smidgen at