i’ve been tagged!
with 10 questions
it is “de rigueur” that I respond…
- Describe yourself in seven words: loving, gentle, free spirit, joyful, creative, introspective, and grateful
- What keeps you up at night? Worrying about anything to do with my kids… Attempting to finish something creative that I’m working on, I need completion before I can rest…. and sometimes I worry that there won’t be enough time to experience and accomplish everything that I hope to…
- Whom would you like to be? Easy! That would be Jacqueline du Pre, however, since that is clearly impossible… an English Professor or perhaps a shop-keeper…
- What are you wearing now? Jeans and a white t-shirt.
- What scares you? Anger.
- What do you appreciate most? The simplest kind word or gesture..
- What are the best and the worst things about blogging? I so thoroughly enjoy the people I have found here, first and foremost. After that I love having a place to express my thoughts, the feeling of seeing a finished post is like the completion of a work of art for me.. I get to stir everything I love in one place (writing, photography, music, food.. family and friends of course) and I get to buy a pretty dish now and then.Hmmm, the worst… I think it’s the moment when I’m really proud of a particular post that I’ve written… it’s been revised and perfected… then it’s time.. and I have to let it go and move on to a new post. It’s difficult for me to “turn the page” and write a new post and leave my words and pictures behind… I know… that sounds strange…
- What was the last website you looked at? Facebook
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? To have the ability to express myself, with as much certainty, verbally, as I am able to do in my writing. There’s no “delete, cut, copy, or insert word” when talking… and I worry that I haven’t gotten it right…
- Slankets, yes or no? I don’t even know what these are.. so I’m not going to count this as a question… sorry…
- Tell us something about the person who tagged you. Well that would be two people…
ChgoJohn… from the Bartolini Kitchens I remember the first time I visited his blog.. his name was popping up on everyone’s “Comments” section so I just had to see who this fellow was. I spent ages reading through his website… all of his splendid recipes of course, but I thoroughly enjoyed the background written under “The Roots” and the illustrations in “The Tree”. John’s posts are very meticulously detailed, clever and very funny (when telling a story from his past). His comments on other websites are always so generous and kind… he has such a calm and kindly tone, I really admire that.Then there is spree… her blog is just as her name would suggest… she seems so effusive and her website is lavishly decorated with magnificent photos that have impeccable food styling. Chatting with spree feels like you’ve met a new best friend.. someone who thinks just like you, someone who “gets” you! She is so sweet and full of energy! I am always so delighted when I see that she’s stopped by my website to comment.
i was also bestowed
from Susanne…
it came with a few tasks as well…
1. Thank the person who gave you the award: If you haven’t met Susanne, yet, you must skip over to visit her at The Emerald Garden. She lives on a 1/2 acre in the Dandenong Ranges of Melbourne, Australia… what lovely things she grows there, beautiful Ruby Lou Spuds and all sorts of things I can only dream of… (note to self: must dig up a veggie patch).
2. Tell something about yourself that no one else knows, if you want to and if you feel like it: I’ve often thought of owning a shop or bed and breakfast… I know what it looks like, I’ve got the name, the design.. everything figured out in my mind… I imagine myself there… (only I’m not:)
3. Link to seven of your entries:
Most Beautiful Piece: Aerostat Firefly Champagne Cocktails
Most Helpful: Jane-Do’s Pizza Dough
Most Popular: A Stellar Baked Brie en Croute
Most Controversial: Rude-Barb Compote
Most Surprisingly Successful: Edouard Boubat
Most Underrated: Petite Gateaux and Blueberry Oatmeal Brekky Comfort Jars
Most Pride Worthy: Vintage Organic Yogurt
ooops, almost forgot your recipe…
here’s a quick one from Fairholme Manor
a lovely bed and breakfast in Victoria, BC…
Simple Gestures Grapefruit
- 1 whole grapefruit
- 2 + tablespoons brown sugar or maple syrup
- Like a custard topped crème brûlée, this recipe is so simple it really doesn’t need writing down. The grapefruit is sliced in half and seeds removed and discarded.
- Run your knife around the outside of the pulpy flesh to separate it from the pitch.
- Score each section…
- Gently press at least 2 tablespoons of brown sugar or maple syrup on top.
- Place on a baking sheet lined with foil.
- Broil for about 5 minutes or until the sugar melts
- and the grapefruit is warmed through.
- Serve warm with a tender heart ?
Oh I loved your answers especially the sad feeling of leaving a post behind. It is like saying goodbye to a joyful day. Our work turns into sandcastles. And your pages are always so beautiful, polished and sparkling with intelligence. i love that in a woman!! c
You’ve thought of the perfect metaphor!! Sandcastle.. yes, that’s what we are building:) Thank you for your lovely words, c.
Gorgeous grapefruit — it’s the raspberries and powdered sugar on the plate that do it.
I love this recipe because it reminds me of Sylvia (owner) of Fairholme Manor..
Thank you for sharing all this information about yourself. I don’t know what a slanket is either! This recipe is so perfect for me as I have just bought some grapefruits and maple syrup (Shady Maple Farms organic). So tomorrow’s breakfast is Simple Gestures Grapefruit.
Lucky you, we’ve eaten all of ours… I think the sugar on it’s own works best, I tried combining the two, without much success. It seemed to need more sugar than I thought as well.. She said two but I just made a mound..Good luck!!
It was fun to read your answers to the questions and you are so right about Chicago John and his excellent site and stories and recipes. He writes the wittiest, intelligent and most creative comments and expresses himself eloquently. (you too, Rufus). I have sent so many friends to both the aforementioned blogs and they are ALWAYS a source of conversation. And then your lovely blog inspires my friends far and wide as well. I am going to check out the others you mentioned today. Your photographs are just stunningly tasty and inviting, always in a lovely light.
Is there a video with your playing music? Then it would be complete! Everyone I know loved your day with Flat Ruthie. Thanks, Smidge.
I haven’t done a vid of my cello yet.. maybe that should be my New Year’s Resolution?? I’d better get practicing then!! I think I enjoyed my day with Flat Ruthie as much as your friends:) xo Smidge
Congratulations on the awards and tags! I enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know more about you.
And that grapefruit looks beautiful! Love the color. 
Thanks, Kristy
Now I think warmed grapefruit is so much nicer than cold out of the fridge!
Dear Smidge. I liked learning a little bit more about you. However, I think I could tell many of these things about you through your beautiful writing. I loved your response to question number 9. Indeed I wish there was an edit button before we hit the verbal send. Take Care, BAM
Dear Bam, you are so correct.. if you follow my blog long enough you might just know everything about me;) xo Smidge
One of my favorite ways to eat grapefruit! (or to get people who like grapefruit less than I to eat grapefruit:)).
I’m sure this recipe’s been done many times before… it was my first time trying it. I did wish that I had a blow torch, it would have been much simpler:) Glad you love grapefruit!!
What a great post, so nice to learn a bit more about you. I think I got lost the first time I went over to Bartolini’s kitchen! I was looking at the history and all sorts of things. It took me about two seconds to subscribe!
It’s true, isn’t it! You can be lost for days visiting John’s (and your!) blog! Thought you’d be happy to know your recipe was the most popular:) That comes as no surprise to me!
Congrats on your award! Fab recipe and photo as usual!
Thanks Susie! Have a wonderful Sunday!
I know before I’ve barely started that this is going to be a very long comment…so much in this post (but in fact all your posts) that I enjoy Incredibly much! I so loved your answers! Let’s start with number 1 ! I haven’t known you long (in people years) Smidge, but I would have described you in those same seven words…your spirit rings out through what you share with us in Just A Smidgen. Your #3 answer was illuminating – it makes utter sense when I think about it! Your gift with the language is obvious, and your taste for vintage and charming and pretty is Everywhere throughout your site. Even though you can see yourself doing something else, your gifts do find Beautiful Expression here. Answer #7 – I so identify with this, Smidge! Each post a labor of love and deep intention, a creation that rises from the heart – the recipe merely a vehicle to (however “corny” this may sound) share the love. I GET that from your posts, which is why, each time I show up, I’m elevated by it and happier for having come. (Your comment about turning the page so quickly and moving on, that’s spot on too. There’s always more joy around the corner. Yet still, the momentum feels a bit rushed, and the creations become buried a bit deeper with each new post. Which reminds me, I’ll go from here to each of the 7 posts you referenced!)
Your comments about Chicago John. You’ve said it so well. The Quality and Character of John shines through his thoughtful, kind, witty, intelligent, family-oriented delicious blog and through every thoughtful word he leaves, like seeds, in others’ gardens.
As for your kind words about me, thank you Smidge, deeply.
As for the recipe you shared today – how utterly gorgeous is that! I mean over-the-top, inspired beautiful styling, and I want our table looking Just like that! What a welcome, refreshing, good-morning-sunshine table! Exquisite.
Thank you for today’s post….I so appreciated your answers, like windows onto Smidge!
spree, you’re making my eyes get all watery now :*)… I have really enjoyed connecting with you through blogging and can’t tell you how wonderful it was to read your comments this morning. Your blog is uplifting and inspiring.. just such a beautiful world to visit… every single word and photo is so lovingly crafted.
I’m so grateful to have met you:)
I love reading these and getting to ‘know’ people better. And I would surely come to your B&B any day of the week! I can just imagine how fabulous it would be.
Perhaps you’ve also deduced why I would choose B&B over a restaurant.. because I would only have to make breakfasts, my favorite meal of the day:) Thanks so much, Courtney!
Yes the ‘leaving a post behind’ i can relate to that
Glad it’s not just me:)
I so enjoy reading these answers to questions about a person. It’s always so interesting. You certainly deserve every award coming your way because you’re creative and inspiring.
As are you, dear Misk:) It is fun… I didn’t forward either to anyone because I know these things take time. I have been thrilled to post a link to my favorite blogs instead on my sidebar:) I have had so many people click to connect to other blogs through this, it’s been so great to have! xo Smidge
Lovely to read about you. I can totally relate to worrying about children and the angst of having to put a fresh post over a current post. Sometimes I wish there was a way I could have them side by side.
Yes, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? I’ve looked at blog themes that do something like this, but not quite. Have you looked at the ipad version ever? I quite like it… it has one photo from each blog, about 6 to a “page” that you can touch and it opens that post. A touch and then a swipe and you see 6 photos from the next set of posts… It’s quite visually beautiful!
It seems we learn a bit more about you with every post. Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful photos as always.
You’re welcome.. We learn so much about and from each other.. it’s awesome!
Your grapefruit looks divine! And great answers!
Thanks so much:)
What a beautiful post. Congratulations on the award, it is well-deserved. You’re such a terrific writer. I think you express yourself perfectly! Love reading your words…..and your recipes too.
Sooooo happy I found your blog. I think I said that already, in another comment, but I love it here.
It’s fun, isn’t it, to discover a new blog.. it’s like finding a brand new novel.. really it is like a novel because we get to read your story:) I’m so happy to have connected with you! xoxo Smdige
Gorgeous presentation of the grapefruit! I love citrus fruits, especially in the winter.
You made me realize how important it is to have citrus in the winter for their Vitamin C:)
Oh, Smidge, this was such a pleasure to read! You really should write a “How to Accept an Award” post! I know I would benefit greatly from it. If I were to find fault, and this is but a minor quibble, it would be that I would have included an 8th word to describe you. That word beng “kind.” Yours is a kind and gentle spirit, Smidge. It shines in every one of your posts and in each and every comment you leave on ours. Anyone seeking more proof need look no further than your gracious comments-above about my blog. Thank you, Smidge, for those kind words and for all of the kind & encouraging words that you’ve written “over at my place.”
Thanks so much!!
*grin* But I think I was following in your footsteps:) And thanks for saying that I am kind.. You are so thoughtful yourself that this is a real compliment. xo Smidge
All of our friends who’ve beat me to the punch commenting on this post have it right, my lovely–you are both deserving of these moments in the limelight and a light yourself to the rest of us gathered here at your table! Thank you for sharing the joy.
PS–just noticed the addition of the peonies to the header, and LOVE the confluence of shape and texture with the frosting or meringue in that first frame (one of my favorite shots of *any* food photos I’ve seen, and you know that from me that’s going some).
Thanks so much for coming to visit today… I wish you were gathered here with me.. what a feast we’d make, what art would be painted and drawn, what photographs we’d have to mark the occasion!
xoxo Smidge
Hi Barbara, thank you for commenting on my blog recently. We made this exact ‘dessert’ on our recent trip to Morocco. I must remember to do it next time we have overnight guests. Nice to read about you.
Too fun.. in Morocco, I think that’s where I’d rather be making this! Thanks for coming by:)
Very cool “peek behind the curtain!” I enjoyed this one very much!
I was just thinking you must “peek behind the curtain” of so many lives every day… you see people at their best or .. otherwise… Thanks so much!
Congratulations on your award! Your posts are always so beautiful, from the words you leave us with to muse over to the pictures that make are tummy’s grumble
BTW, I had to google slanklet…now the question is, which came first? The Slanklet or the Snuggie! lol ~Ruth
Hahaha, so that’s what those are?? Thanks so much, Ruth! My tummy’s always rumbling as well… seems to be a lot of that here on wordpress:)
Love these posts, they are so much fun! Great learning more about each other.
It is interesting, everyone answers with their own style… and we learn more about each other. It was more fun than I realized:)
Congratulations dear Barbara, it was so beautiful post again… Thank you, Blessing and Happiness, with my love, nia
Sending blessings and joy back to you, nia!
It’s lovely to read bit more about you, it’s like piecing a jigsaw together. And the grapefruit? Perfect, just as my mum used to do them – back in the 70s, oh the glamour!! But the taste is still perfect
Well, I think a puzzle is the perfect metaphor for this… the longer we read each other’s blogs the better we get to know individual differences:) Yes, I grew up with these (shhh, was it the 70’s?)
I agree with John, and with you about John for that matter, that “kind” is definitely a word that shines thorough in your posts and your comments. You have a pervasive Joie de Vie! You also show your creativity in making and 11th question since you didn’t like one of the 10, heh, heh, clever girl!
Hahaha, I wondered who would notice that I’d done that! Hilarious, you are the first so you win.. I’m not sure what you win, but you win!!
What a wonderful post to read! And the pictures are incredibly gorgeous. I can imagine why it is so difficult to turn the page and write a new post again as each of your post is a work of art
That is such a thoughtful compliment, thank you so much:) So glad to have found your blog as well!
It is so wonderful learning about other bloggers. Congrats on your award!
Thanks so much, Christina, awards always make it so fun!
My mother is such a grapefruit person.. I have to show her this, I am sure she will want to make it immediately. So I should know if she likes it soon lol. And I am a jeans and white T girl as well :). Great post
Aren’t they the best.. it was torture to wear a suit for those few years when working downtown..
I loved reading a bit more about you and honestly felt it all described you perfectly as I’ve gotten to know you. I just made grapefruit halves this past weekend for my daughter and clearly did not use enough sugar as your topping looks like caramelized creme brulee!! Soo yummy!!
Many congratulations! I found your answers very interesting.
Always enjoyable, always beautiful and always totally inspiring. Just keep doing what you’re doing Smidge!
Such a lovely post! I can certainly empathize with verbal skills vs. the written word! I suppose that’s what makes us human – those ghastly faux pas that pop up every now and then!