just a smidgen

Buttercup’s Grand Adventure

Enough with the food, already!!

I’d like you to meet a few of my Best Mates…

Let’s start from the left.. that’s Colleen, Danelle, yours truly, Cheryl, Shirley, Kathy, Jennifer and Amber.

We started off this past weekend with a little kayaking around Okanagan Lake…

Where’s Wilson??

Then off on another outdoor adventure.. some of you may recall these views…


A quick change of clothing before a light lunch at Summerhill Pyramid Winery

Can you spot the difference between these two photos…



Dude.. it’s a “Girl’s Trip”!!

Some people just can’t take a hint.

I thought the light was perfect for a little “portrait” photography

We went Vineyard hopping and too many glasses of wine later we were up on a hillside in Kelowna at

 A View of the Lake

MovitaI went to cooking school!!!

(well, just for one night and I didn’t get a white jacket OR clogs)

This is awesome Chef Steve and his wife Chrissy Marston…

Everyone else was fooling around, but not me, I was a good student!

A wee mouthful before you get more wine!

The next morning we headed to the Oyama Zipline, where

“Buttercup” (aka Smidge aka Barb),

 was showing off that she used to rock climb,

so of course they made her to jump off the platform first!!

Her nickname should have been Miss Scaredy Pants

The crazy thing about holidays..

is you can’t wait to leave but then

{ you can’t wait to get home }

I can’t wait to see what you’ve all been up too..

I’ll be visiting you all over the next few days!

{ on the computer, silly.. although it would be cool to fly, wouldn’t it? }


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