just a smidgen

Mabel Lake Apricot Jam

Don’t you just love apricots? They’re in season at the moment and perfectly ripe, sweet and juicy.

There is a huge window above the sink that goes right across the counter at my parent’s cottage.

It is a food photographer’s dream having all that indirect light!

But let’s get on with the recipe, shall we?

You should begin with apricots that are washed and ripe enough to easily remove the pits.

Chop them up into a measuring cup, this makes it quick to figure out the amount of sugar you need.

Then transfer to a large bowl and add the sugar. Stir well to mix.

Squeeze out some fresh lemon juice and add.

Then repeat until you’ve eaten chopped up all of your apricots.

{ This is my marginally successful no-tripod experiment photo.. think Apricot Jam fireworks:D }

Then the mixture gets covered and rests in a cool, dark place for 12 hours.
{ No comments on food safety please, none of us has ever perished from eating this jam:D }
The resting time helps the sugar and fruit do what it needs to do to set.

The next day you just cook the mixture over a “quick fire” { I love old recipes} for about 5 minutes or until it thickens.
This jam will not become as thickened as a standard pectin-based jam, but is will still be a nice, loosely spreadable sweet jam once cooked.

Ladle the jam into sterilized jars and seal as you usually would. We freeze our jam so we just skip past this step.
Once cooled, the jars are popped into the freezer.

Since this is a no-pectin recipe that is easy to make, all you need are ripe, sweet apricots and sugar.

And a little time, but there’s always plenty of that at the lake.

My parents have been using this recipe from the old Joy of Cooking for years and it’s become a family tradition.

p.s. Mom and Dad took these last photos for me because I had already left for Vernon.
I’m certain to make Food Bloggers out of them one day!

p.p.s. Yes, they saved me a jar:)

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!! Hugs!!

Mabel Lake Apricot Jam

Mabel Lake Apricot Jam
  • Fully ripe apricots
  • For every cupful of fruit
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1-1/2 tsp lemon juice
  1. Wash the apricots. Cut them, unpeeled or peeled, into small pieces. Measure the fruit. Add to every cupfull of fruit the 3/4 cup sugar and 1 1/2 teaspoons lemon juice.
  2. Permit this to stand for 12 hours.
  3. Stir this mixture over a quick fire. Permit it to boil until it is thick (usually 5 minutes). Update: It took far longer to thicken. You'll need to watch closely as this boils over quite easily! This can happen in a second so just stand and keep stirring. It took about 15 minutes for my last batch to thicken! Stir and watch as foam subsides and the jam gets a shiny glaze color to it. That is usually when it's done. Put a small spoonful onto a plate and put it in the fridge to see if it sets. Remember this is a "runnier" sort of jam so will not have the thick set a pectin recipe would. Place the jam while hot in hot sterilized glasses. Seal them.
  4. I just freeze this jam, so I skip the necessary steps required to seal the jars by boiling.
This is the jam Gran and Grandpa make at the lake every summer with fresh apricots.


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