just a smidgen

Bella the Beautiful


We’d love for you to meet our newest addition to our family..

Bella came home Friday night and we are over the moon excited to have her join our family.

It’s amazing how much joy she has brought us!

She’s settling in, waking up only once last night and is well on her way to being trained,
so she’s smart as well!

She is not impressed with our snow and will run for only a few feet before climbing on our shoes to be picked up:D


She is a cavalier spaniel and bichon cross..  a cavachon. Her features are definitely more spaniel and her fur is silken like a spaniels.
Her parents were only 10 and 14 pounds so she will be a small one.

Of course her proud family thinks she is just the best pup ever.

Love, Smidge 5



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