just a smidgen

Moscow Mules Save the DAy

Lime and mint for moscow mule
I was all set to make this amazing Ricardo chicken dish.. it couldn’t have been easier.Just pick up the chicken, everything else was in my pantry and fridge.Somewhere along the way I just got side tracked.. work, blogging, a walk with Bella and my mom, a visit with my dad, resume writing and grocery shopping… you know how it can be.

By the time I got home it was dark, arrghh!

I dare say that nothing is feared more in the photography and blogging world of the Northern Hemisphere than the change of seasons and the dreaded shorter days of: natural light.

Ginger Beer in Moscow Mule

All of this after mentioning earlier in the day:

“It can only get better from here!”

and the equally cursed

“I mean, what else could go wrong?”

At this point my ever superstitious mom shushed me.. “You mustn’t tempt fate,” she admonished.

and then this happened..


Note to Self: Do NOT text or even hold onto your phone whilst walking through a gravelled parking lot.. remember what happened the last time.. and the time before that??!!

Moscow Mule Mug

So sorry to say, Ricardo and his chicken would both have to wait!

Moscow Mule 1

In the meantime, I thought it a highly appropriate time to text my lovely friend Jennifer in order to discover her secret recipe for what is, in my humble opinion, the newest and best drink.. ever! She is the best ever too!

Ok, we did have quite a few of these together, so maybe I just remember them as being awesome…

no.. they really were awesome and she is really awesome!

Sadly, my other friend hadn’t heard of them and even the clerk in the liquor store hadn’t made one, so I decided in the best interest of public safety er.. awareness, I should let you all know how to make a

Moscow Mule

Moscow Mule 2Just in case you have a day like mine. You know, those ones where you get caught up in lovely visit and forget about time?

Moscow Mules

A few pointers:

  1. Please disregard the tiny bottles of Grey Goose in the photo, you are fully advised to pick up the full 750 bottle.. best value and all that, but if you’re a lightweight like me, these’ll do fine.

Grey Goose for Moscow Mule2. The copper mugs are an absolute necessity, (Pottery Barn carried a set of twoPier One carries them so does Chapter/Indigo). Don’t even think about making these in a glass. The metal gets all cold and frosty on your mouth and it feels like you are Hermione drinking Butter Beer.

3. WARNING: I do NOT recommend these if you have children under the age of 5, or if you have to  work tomorrow. Nor shoud you ever ever drink these and ride your bike or even text in a parking lot whilst attempting to walk.

4. Do NOT operate any sort of machinery, such as a stove or even your oven. It maybe best to teach your friend how to make these and lay down with a book or Netflix or.. your mug.

5. On the other hand: This IS a good time to practice Low Light photography!

Moscow Mule 4Moscow Mule 5

you’re welcome

Moscow Mules Save the DAy
  • copper mug
  • ice
  • 2 oz vodka
  • ginger beer, choose the best quality, it makes a difference
  • 1/2 - 1 lime, juice
  • mint sprig
  1. Fill your mug with ice. It took a whole tray to fill mine, so have plenty of ice on hand.
  2. Pour in 2 oz vodka. Fill with ginger beer.
  3. Squeeze in 1/2 lime or whole lime if they are small.
  4. Top with a sprig of mint.




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