just a smidgen

Feeling.. Inspired

I was going to write this follow up from my earlier post –“What I Know for Sure”

Number Three

“Feel everything.. feel the fear, the anxiety, the terror, the love, the joy, the disappointment, the sorrow, the anguish, the boredom, the surprise. This place was designed to bring it all to us, even tears of sadness can make us feel astoundingly more alive than an existence that denies and suppresses the expression of emotion. Life isn’t the flat road stretching.. it’s the climb of mountains, a sojourn of disappearing footprints washed in an ocean’s tide and every single crossroad you will  face.”

But Tony Robbins and I just spent a few hours together this morning (well, youtube hours) and I’ve learned that sometimes you just have to see and accept things as they are, get to the real truth, deal with it and move forward with a new vision for your life.

All accomplished while waiting on hold for my real estate website support team. Not a bad start for a Thursday!

So instead of feeling all “serious” I am just feeling playful.

Playful and bored.

Hey.. maybe this is a follow up for Number Three.. if you don’t like how you’re feeling, smile and shift your energy.. change your thoughts, change your vibration. That sort of thing, anyway..

I have to elevate my foot for a number of weeks and this is a major challenge for someone as busy as I like to be.

Whenever I feel bored my imagination tends to run wild…

I have no idea who these people are. But I want to be them, er, well I want to do this. All I need is a long plank and some chairs. And a forest. Oh and friends, lots of friends because after you have a new vision for your life you need role models. And I’m grateful that I’ve got plenty of those that could join me at this table!

It could be at a villa in Tuscany..

Perhaps an ocean beach house could work as well..

It has to begin at sunset and go late into the wee hours of the morning..

And have string lights and candles and we’d all have to wear cool hats..

And a hammock.. I think I see a hammock way at the other end. You know, in case you want to sleep under the stars after everyone leaves.

I think I could pull this new vision off right in my backyard- I have the massive trees, the string lights, candles, even a hammock.. I just need that big old table and some wooden chairs.

Tony says the last step is to give more than you get.. so I think I have to figure out a way to make this happen;)

Wouldn’t that be fun?! If you have one of those big old tables and chairs let me know, you could be my newest friend 😉


Barbara J

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