just a smidgen

Designing and Dreaming

“Number Four: Go back and take that path now. There’s always time to change your mind, to retrace and rethink decisions you’ve made. Make a plan, dream, design a Vision Board but remember that none of life is written in stone. This is the blessed gift of time, the joy found in rediscovering, reworking, rethinking how your life is going to look and taking another shot at it when we can. There are no mistakes.. only second, third and fourth chances.”

It’s almost time for a new Vision Board. It’s always intriguing to see which photos resonate and make it onto my board, which ones from the past will return once again.. and what new ones will be added? There is so much joy found in looking back at the experiences I’ve loved and seeing the twists and turns the path my life is taking.


I’ve seen new ideas and interests blossom over time.

I’ve seen my own self blossom!


Blossom Oil on Canvas30″x30″ – SOLD

I have always had a passion for photography, interior design and flowers… and people 😉

Now this has all evolved and integrated into my new flourishing real estate business branding

Bespoke Homes

Flowers, furniture placement and design accessories all came together in this beautiful home.

I know I’ve created something special when I want to buy the house myself..

Life is just like that I think..

ever designing, evolving, surprising, changing direction…

pointing you down a new path that promises to be a better reflection of who you are.

I’ve signed up for a floral decorating class this fall and I’m excited to incorporate that into my life and work.

I can’t wait to see what other new opportunities open up after I’ve completed my certification.

More than ever, I can still say that there are no mistakes.. only second, third and fourth chances.. the best time to try something new is now. xx


Barbara J

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